History Adventure

Nationalist Revolutions - Chapter 8

Latin Poetry
World History
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Nationalism Project - This was for 2011 STUDENTS!!!! This can be either an individual or partner project, you choose. Using PowerPoint, students will research and present an example of growing nationalism in the 19th century. It is worth 50 points and is due November 12.  Following are copies of student projects/handouts:
Notes from 1/3/2005: See attached html document on ideologies (conservatives and liberals)
Notes from 1/4/2005:
  • Revolution in France: This PowerPoint show is good for reviewing the pertinent events and people that occur during the revolutions of 1830 and 1848.  Remember - "when France sneezes, Europe catches a cold!"
  • Revolutions of 1848 - This is an excerpted online PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Streeter from SMSU which should help flesh out and explain much of Section 2 in your textbook.
German Unification Notes: This is a PowerPoint Show, so make sure that you have either downloaded the PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft.com or already have PowerPoint on your home computer.
Italian Unification Notes: This is a PowerPoint Show, so make sure that you have either downloaded the PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft.com or already have PowerPoint on your home computer.

Notes for 6.4-5: This is a PowerPoint Show, so make sure that you have either downloaded the PowerPoint Viewer from Microsoft.com or already have PowerPoint on your home computer.

Nationalism Notes for 8.1-3 - This is a .doc file which was discussed 11/8-13/12. Sorry about the formatting - please change as needed. (https://afine0.tripod.com/historyadventure/wh/ch4/Notes8.1-3.doc)

Romanticism, Realism & Impressionism - This PowerPoint was presented on 11/9/2009.Links to music & video clips:

Ideology Notes 11/14/2011

Latin American Revolution Notes 11/15/2011

French Revolution of 1830

Revolutions of 1848

French Revolutions 1830-1848 Chart

Go to  http://www.phschool.com/home.html for online quizzes that are helpful in studying for your test!
Test is on November 21. Students in period 6 will have 25MC + essay. Periods 4 & 5 will have 50 MC.
Extra Credit:
Work individually or with a partner to create a review game, physical or digital, to use the day before the test. Earn up to +5 points!

Simon Bolivar - The Liberator

Chapter 8 Study Guide – Nationalist Revolutions






Revolution in Haiti, 1791

Toussaint L’Ouverture

Napoleonic influence

Simon Bolivar

Jose de San Martin

Venezuela, 1821

Argentina, 1816

Battle of Ayacucho, 1824

Gran Colombia

Miguel Hidalgo

Jose Maria Morelos

Agustin de Iturbide

Mexico, 1821

United Provinces of Central America

Brazil, 1822

Dom Pedro






The Balkans

Greece, 1830

Belgium, 1830

Revolutions of 1848

Charles X

France, 1830

France 1848


Louis Napoleon

Napoleon III

2nd French Empire, 1852

Crimean War, 1850s

Alexander II of Russia

Alexander III of Russia

Nicholas II of Russia

Dual Monarchy, 1866


Armenian Genocides, 1890s & 1915

Turkey, 1918


Victor Emannuel II

Camillo di Cavour

Guiseppe Garibaldi

Kingdom of Italy, 1860

Wilhelm I/William I of Prussia


Otto von Bismarck


Schleswig-Holstein War, 1864

Seven Weeks’ War/Austro-Prussian War, 1866

Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71


Germany, 1871


William Wordsworth

Samuel Coleridge

Percy Bysshe Shelley

John Keats

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Jakob & Wilhelm Grimm

Victor Hugo

Gothic Novel

Mary Shelley

Franz Liszt

Ludwig van Beethoven

Robert Schumann

Felix Mendelsohn

Frederic Chopin

Richard wagner

Guiseppe Verdi



Honore Balzac

Emile Zola

Charles Dickens


Claude Monet

Edgar Degas

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Maurice Ravel

Claude Debussy


**Do not study from here down 2013 students! include these terms for the Industrial Revolution!


Also, study all text & class notes and worksheets


Essay Topics:

  • Germany & Italy unification
  • Bismarck & Cavour/Realpoliticks
  • ideologies - conservatism, liberalism & nationalism
  • Russian Empire politics
  • Fall of Ottoman Empire & Austrian Empire 
  • Latin American Revolutions
  • Romanticism, Realism & Impressionism
  • Conditions in Latin America before and after the Revolutions


    Copyright 2005-2012, Ann-Marie Fine. All Rights Reserved.
    Last updated, November 2012.