Latin 1-2

Mythology Project



To effectively understand the Roman culture and many of the influences that have filtered down to modern society, you need to understand Roman mythology.  Therefore, you are to prepare an oral presentation of a god/goddess chosen at random.  You are also to create a teaching poster measuring at least 11” x 14” representing that god/goddess.


To complete this project you must:

·        Have an oral presentation of 5-10 minutes describing the god/goddess’ powers & attributes, telling some stories of the god/goddess, and connecting the god/goddess to other ancient civilizations and modern society.

·        Create a teaching poster illustrating your oral presentation.  The poster must be at least 11” x 14.”  If any pictures are not original, they must be documented!

·        Type a brief outline describing the topics and supporting details of your presentation.

·        Type a MLA-formatted bibliography of at least 3 sources.  This bibliography must be annotated.  See your bibliography handout, Latin teacher or English teacher for details.


This project is due October 16 and worth 60 points!  Do not leave it till the last minute!  Often, research into Roman gods and goddesses takes a while and cannot be completed at just your local library or on the Internet, so start early! 

Make sure that you ask any questions you might have – an unasked question often results in a lower grade!


Finally, because students often wonder how I grade their projects, I am attaching a grading rubric to this project description sheet. 


Bene fortuna!














Text Box:  This is a rendering of Jupiter, king of the gods.
“Roman Gods.” The Romans in Britain. 2005. Online at July 26, 2005.








Grading Rubric: Mythology Project


Student Name:______________________________________                           









Oral presentation




q       5-10 minutes

q       Clear voice

q       Full eye contact

q       Answers all questions accurately and comfortably

q       full description of powers and attributes

q       story of character

q       verifiable connection to ancient civilizations

q       verifiable connection to modern society

q       5-10 minutes

q       80% clear voice OR 80% full eye contact

q       80% questions answered correctly

q       full description of powers and attributes

q       story of character

q       verifiable connection to ancient civilizations OR

verifiable connection to modern society

q       5-10 minutes

q       50-70% clear voice OR 50-70% full eye contact OR 80% both

q       50-70% questions answered correctly

q       full description of powers and attributes

q       story of character

q       some connection to ancient civilizations

q       some connection to modern society

q       <5 minutes or >10 minutes

q       <50% clear voice OR <50% full eye contact

q       <50% questions answered correctly

q       some description of powers and attributes OR

story of character

q       some connection to ancient civilizations OR

some connection to modern society

q       <5 minutes or >10 minutes, or no presentation

q       <50% clear voice & full eye contact

q       No questions answered correctly

q       little description of powers and attributes OR small story of character

q       no connection to ancient civilizations

q       no connection to modern society

Teaching poster




q       more than 11”x14”

q       Illustrates all powers and attributes accurately

q       Accurate & symbolic picture of god/goddess

q       Clear, analytic connection to ancient civilizations

q       Clear, analytic connection to modern society

q       Documentation of pictures on poster

q       Neat, artistic, tasteful original pictures


q       At least 11”x14”

q       Illustrates most powers and attributes accurately

q       Accurate picture of god/goddess

q       Clear, analytic connection to ancient civilizations OR Clear, analytic connection to modern society

q       Documentation of most pictures on poster

q       Neat, tasteful original pictures

q       At least 11”x14”

q       Inaccurately illustrates powers and attributes OR

q       Inaccurate picture of god/goddess

q       Connection to ancient civilizations

q       Connection to modern society

q       Documentation of pictures

q       Neat, tasteful original pictures

q       < 11”x14”

q       Inaccurately illustrates powers and attributes

q       inaccurate picture of god/goddess

q       Connection to ancient civilizations

OR connection to modern society

q       Inaccurate documentation of pictures

q       Messy original pictures

q       < least 11”x14” OR no poster

q       partial or no powers and attributes

q       inaccurate or no  picture of god/goddess

q       no connection to ancient civilizations

q       no connection to modern society

q       inaccurate or no documentation of pictures

q       distasteful or messy or inaccurate original pictures





q       Correct topic

q       Is formatted as outline

q       typed

q       full, analytic description of powers and attributes

q       verifiable story of character

q       verifiable, analytic connection to ancient civilizations

q       verifiable, analytic connection to modern society

q       Correct topic

q       Is formatted as outline

q       typed

q       full description of powers and attributes

q       verifiable story of character

q       verifiable, analytic connection to ancient civilizations OR

verifiable, analytic connection to modern society

q       Correct topic

q       Is formatted as outline

q       typed

q       full description of powers and attributes

q       story of character

q       connection to ancient civilizations

q       connection to modern society

q       Incorrect topic

q       Is something other than an outline

q       Typed or handwritten

q       some description of powers and attributes OR

story of character

q       connection to ancient civilizations OR

connection to modern society

q       Incorrect topic

q       Is something other than an outline OR there is no paper resembling an outline of the presentation

q       handwritten

q       little description of powers and attributes OR small story of character

q       no connection to ancient civilizations

q       no connection to modern society




q       >5 sources

q       proper format

q       typed

q       annotated


q       4-5 sources

q       proper format

q       typed

q       annotated

q       3 sources

q       some formatting may be mixed up

q       typed & handwritten

q       annotated

q       1-2 sources

q       formatting is mixed up

q       typed & handwritten OR handwritten

q       partial annotation

q       <1 source

q       improper formatting (does not contain all of the necessary information)

q       handwritten

q       no annotations









