How to be Successful in Latin


  1. Devote your attention to Latin while in class; do not be distracted by friends’ chitchat or other classes’ homework.
  2. Bring your textbook daily to class.
  3. Spend at least 20 minutes a day either studying Latin or reviewing what we have learned.  Practice makes perfect!
  4. Complete all of your homework as accurately as possible.  Write down questions when you truly do not understand so that you can remember to ask in class the next day.
  5. Keep track of your grades; either keep a running record or check the MicroGrade web site ( when grades are updated.  If there are any questions, please give them to Mrs. Fine in writing, along with the disputed work.
  6. If you are absent, list at least 5 people that you can call on for the homework; homework will NOT always be listed on the class web site (


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  1. Constant effort is the key to success in any foreign language!


Bene Fortuna!