Latin 5/7 Prose

LACMA Pompeii and the Roman Villa Exhibit Field Trip and Project

We are so lucky that this year we get to see a great exhibit at LACMA, Pompeii and the Roman Villa, along with Mr. Federman’s AP Art History class! In preparation for this exhibit, we will need to review our knowledge of the events surrounding Mount Vesuvius’ explosion in 79CE and Roman culture in the surrounding area at that same time. You will, of course, be able to use any resources that are available in our classroom, as well as on the Internet (just remember to cite them!!!).

The first part of our project will be to choose an historical or cultural aspect of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius to research and impart to our class before we go to LACMA. This knowledge can be conveyed through a PowerPoint presentation, an essay, a short lecture, a song, an art piece, or whatever medium you can think of. It should convey historical facts in an interesting way, and show an aspect of the eruption and the frozen culture that you are interested in learning more about (because of the limited time, you are not accountable for knowing EVERYTHING!). You should include questions that you hope that this exhibit will answer for you about your chosen aspect of Roman culture/history.

The second part of the project will be the field trip itself. This field trip will be on September 18 from 10:30am-3pm. The cost is $25 to cover admission and bus.  Make sure that you bring a sack lunch as we will eat that before we go on our headphone tour of this exhaustive exhibit (it took me 1 ½ hours to go through). Students may bring small sketchbooks and notepads, but may not bring cameras! Also, you’ll most likely have to leave your book bags at the door so leave those in your locker or at home. If you wish to use any images of the exhibit artifacts, you can use the exhibit DVD or the exhibit guide book that reside in Mrs. Fine’s possession.  Make sure that you cite the sources in your review of the exhibit.  Therefore, a review of the exhibit is the second part of the project. This review should be typed, double-spaced and 1-2 pages in length. Images are always welcome to illustrate your point of view.

The third part of your project will be to take your first and second parts and combine them so that you can devise a web-based lesson/explanation of your complete understanding of the Roman culture/history aspect that you have chosen. This part will not be due for a while because I hope that you will also be able to add in additional support and primary sources from the Getty Villa visit in October. Plus, since it is web-based, you will need to be able to design and publish this on the web - all of which take time. Again, you can do this in a variety of methods, but the final delivery system is to be the web (so if you want to sing and record that performance, then upload the performance to the web, please do so!). In short, you should be answering those questions that you had in the first project, and telling the world why we should care about your aspect of Roman culture/history.

All in all, this project is worth 200 points and will make quite a difference to your grade should you do well or not. As usual, make sure that you check the rubrics for each part of the project to see exactly what the requirements are and how the parts are being graded. This grouping of projects is, of course, on top of your regular homework, and another fun project. Who said Latin wasn’t fun?





LACMA Project 1: Initial Research

·         This project is worth 50 points and is due September 16.

·         Each presentation should be 3-7 minutes long (or 5-10 slides); papers should be 1-2 pages.

·         Each student will choose an interesting part of the lore surrounding the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, historical or cultural, to further research and focus his/her exhibit tour on.

·         Students will be doing preliminary research on their chosen topic, and coming up with questions to enhance their further research on the topic; questions that they hope the exhibit will answer for them.

·         Research will be presented to the class in an interesting and/or creative manner.








Ø Has 3-7 minute presentation

Ø Speech is clear

Ø No mispronunciations or Latin terms

Ø Eye contact is constant

Ø Little or no reference to notes

Ø Student is standing the entire time

Ø Student is clearly comfortable in front of class

Ø Student is enthusiastic toward topic

Ø Students answers questions based on research (questions that the students has himself/herself obviously cannot be answered)

Ø student politely listens to other presentations

Ø Student asks relevant questions of other students

Ø Has 3-7 minute presentation

Ø Speech is 80% clear

Ø 3-5 mispronunciations or Latin terms

Ø Eye contact is 75%

Ø Some reference (20%) to notes

Ø Student is standing the entire time

Ø Student is comfortable in front of class

Ø Student is mostly enthusiastic toward topic

Ø Students answers questions based on research (questions that the students has himself/herself obviously cannot be answered)

Ø student listens to other presentations

Ø Student asks some relevant questions of other students

Ø Has <3 or >7 minute presentation

Ø Speech is 60% clear

Ø 6-8 mispronunciations or Latin terms

Ø Eye contact is 50%

Ø reference (50%) to notes

Ø Student is standing most of the time

Ø Student is barely comfortable in front of class

Ø Student is tepidly enthusiastic toward topic

Ø Students answers most (80%) questions based on research (questions that the students has himself/herself obviously cannot be answered)

Ø student mostly (75%) listens to other presentations

Ø Student asks few relevant questions of other students





Ø Topic is cogently related to eruption of 79CE

Ø Topic is cogently related to Roman history/culture

Ø Topic is interesting to student

Ø Topic raises a number of questions that may/may not be answered by exhibit

Ø Topic has been researched by at least 3 primary sources and 1 encyclopedia/tertiary source

Ø Topic content is not plagiarized

Ø Topic has been analyzed for possible relevance to LACMA exhibit, Getty Villa trip AND coursework

Ø Student is creative in presentation of topic


Ø Topic is related to eruption of 79CE

Ø Topic is related to Roman history/culture

Ø Topic is interesting to student

Ø Topic raises questions that may/may not be answered by exhibit

Ø Topic has been researched by at least 3 primary sources and 1 encyclopedia/tertiary source

Ø Topic content is not plagiarized

Ø Topic has been analyzed for possible relevance to LACMA exhibit, Getty Villa trip OR coursework

Ø Student is somewhat creative in presentation of topic

Ø Topic is somewhat related to eruption of 79CE

Ø Topic is somewhat related to Roman history/culture

Ø Topic is somewhat interesting to student

Ø Topic raises few questions that may/may not be answered by exhibit

Ø Topic has been researched by at least 3 primary sources and 1 encyclopedia/tertiary source

Ø Topic content is not plagiarized

Ø Topic has been looked at for possible relevance to LACMA exhibit, Getty Villa trip OR coursework

Ø Student is not very creative in presentation of topic (student clearly pumped this out the night before it was due)




Ø Presentation is 5-10 slides

Ø Font is point 18-24

Ø Design is easy to view

Ø Imagery is pleasing to the viewer and adds to the topic

Ø Sounds or video add to content & do not distract

Ø <3 spelling errors

Ø Bibliography follows MLA format & is annotated!!!

Ø Paper is 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced

Ø 1 inch margins

Ø 10-12 point Ariel or Times New Roman font

Ø <3 spelling errors

Ø Bibliography follows MLA format & is annotated!!!

Ø Presentation is 5-10 slides

Ø Font is point 18-24

Ø Design is easy to view 80% of time

Ø Imagery is pleasing to the viewer and adds to the topic 80% of time

Ø Sounds or video add to content & do not distract 80% of time

Ø 4-6 spelling errors

Ø Bibliography follows MLA format & is not annotated

Ø Paper is 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced

Ø < or >1 inch margins

Ø >10-12 point Ariel or Times New Roman font

Ø 4-6 spelling errors

Ø Bibliography follows MLA format & is not annotated

Ø Presentation is <5 or >10 slides

Ø Font is point <18 or >24

Ø Design is easy to view 60% of time

Ø Imagery is pleasing to the viewer and adds to the topic 60% of time

Ø Sounds or video add to content & do not distract 60% of time

Ø >7 spelling errors

Ø Bibliography does not completely follow MLA format & is not annotated

Ø Paper is<1 or >2 pages, may be typed, spacing is not double

Ø < or >1 inch margins

Ø >10-12 point non-Ariel or Times New Roman font

Ø >7 spelling errors

Ø Bibliography does not completely follow MLA format & is not annotated

*NB – Anyone who does not fully complete a category receives an F in that category, which is a 50%.

LACMA Project 2: Exhibit Review

·         This project is worth 25 points and is due September 25.

·         You will be reviewing the LACMA exhibit Pompeii and the Roman Villa in a 1-2 page typed essay.

·         This review should explore the depth of artifacts shown in the exhibit, the facts delivered via the headphone tour, the layout of the exhibit, and the answers given to your questions from your prior research.

·         Take note of how this exhibit was put together, how the artifacts were displayed, as that knowledge will be useful to you in an upcoming review of the Getty Villa.

·         Finally, tell me whether this trip was helpful in your pursuit of knowledge about Roman history and culture, and whether you liked the trip or not.

·         Don’t forget to give supporting facts to your opinions!!!!








Ø Paper is 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced

Ø 1 inch margins

Ø 10-12 point Ariel or Times New Roman font

Ø <3 spelling errors

Ø If needed, Bibliography follows MLA format & is annotated!!!

Ø Paper is 1-2 pages, typed, double-spaced

Ø < or >1 inch margins

Ø >10-12 point Ariel or Times New Roman font

Ø 4-6 spelling errors

Ø If needed, Bibliography follows MLA format & is not annotated

Ø Paper is<1 or >2 pages

Ø May not be typed

Ø Spacing is not doubled

Ø < or >1 inch margins

Ø >10-12 point non-Ariel or Times New Roman font

Ø >7 spelling errors

Ø If needed, Bibliography does not completely follow MLA format & is not annotated




Ø Analyzes the depth and variety of exhibit artifacts

Ø Analyzes the history and culture gleaned from the headphone tour

Ø Evaluates the usefulness of the exhibit for the student’s research project

Ø Analyzes the layout and storyline of the physical exhibit space

Ø Reviews the exhibit personally

Ø Provides detailed support from the exhibit and outside sources for all opinions and theses

Ø Shows a thoughtful and analytic approach to this exhibit and topic



Ø Describes the depth and variety of exhibit artifacts

Ø Partially analyzes the history and culture gleaned from the headphone tour

Ø Partially evaluates the usefulness of the exhibit for the student’s research project

Ø Describes  the layout and storyline of the physical exhibit space

Ø Reviews the exhibit personally

Ø Provides 75-80% detailed support from the exhibit and/or outside sources for all opinions and theses

Ø Shows a thoughtful and somewhat analytic approach to this exhibit and topic


Ø Describes some of the variety of exhibit artifacts

Ø Describes some of  the history and culture gleaned from the headphone tour

Ø Barely evaluates the usefulness of the exhibit for the student’s research project

Ø Describes  the layout of the physical exhibit space and one or two rooms

Ø Reviews the exhibit personally

Ø Provides little detailed  support from the exhibit few outside sources for all opinions and theses

Ø Shows a thoughtful  approach to this exhibit and topic

Ø Demonstrates a last minute approach to the assignment via lack of effort and analysis


*NB – Anyone who does not fully complete a category receives an F in that category, which is a 50%.



LACMA Project 3: Vesuvius Project

·         This project is worth 100 points and is due December 2.

·         Based on your research on a chosen topic related to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79CE, you will create a web-based lesson/explanation for publication on the World Wide Web.

·         This lesson/explanation will creatively demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of Roman culture and/or history. You can do a cooking demo, publish an illustrated essay, your call!

·         This project may be on a topic different from the one you originally chose back in September.

·         This project should incorporate information from your trips to the LACMA exhibit Pompeii and the Roman Villa and the Getty Villa, as well as additional research from primary sources.








Ø Published on the web without errors

Ø <3 spelling errors

Ø Single-spaced

Ø Easy to read font

Ø Appropriately sized font

Ø Bibliography follows MLA format & is annotated!!!

Ø Published on the web with 1-3 errors

Ø 4-6 spelling errors

Ø Single-spaced

Ø Somewhat easy to read font

Ø Mostly appropriately sized font

Ø Bibliography follows MLA format & is not annotated

Ø Published on the web with >4 errors

Ø >7 spelling errors

Ø Single-spaced

Ø difficult to read font

Ø awkwardly sized font

Ø Bibliography does not follow MLA format & is not annotated




Ø Topic is extremely interesting to student

Ø Topic has been researched by at least 10 primary sources and 1 encyclopedia/tertiary source

Ø Topic content is not plagiarized

Ø Topic has been analyzed for relevance to LACMA exhibit, Getty Villa trip AND coursework

Ø Topic has a clear and analytic point of reference to the eruption of 79CE & Roman history/culture

Ø Topic teaches teacher and class new material about chosen topic

Ø Student analyzes topic’s relevance to the modern world

Ø Topic is somewhat interesting to student

Ø Topic has been researched by at least 10 primary sources and 1 encyclopedia/tertiary source

Ø Topic content is not plagiarized

Ø Topic has been somewhat analyzed for relevance to LACMA exhibit, Getty Villa trip AND coursework

Ø Topic has a clear point of reference to the eruption of 79CE & Roman history/culture; it is somewhat analytic

Ø Topic teaches teacher and class some new material about chosen topic

Ø Student somewhat analyzes topic’s relevance to the modern world

Ø Topic is barely interesting to student

Ø Topic has been researched by at least 10 primary sources and 1 encyclopedia/tertiary source

Ø Topic content is not plagiarized

Ø Topic has been somewhat analyzed for relevance to LACMA exhibit, Getty Villa trip OR coursework

Ø Topic has a vague point of reference to the eruption of 79CE & Roman history/culture; it is descriptive

Ø Topic teaches teacher and class rehashed material about chosen topic

Student describes topic’s relevance to the modern world




Ø Student demonstrates a new idea in delivering web content effectively

Ø Student works within historical/cultural interests to further own creativity

Ø Student’s work impresses fellow students and teacher

Ø Student demonstrates a common creative theme in delivering web content effectively

Ø Student works within historical/cultural interests to solidify own creativity

Ø Student demonstrates a somewhat creative aspect in delivering web content effectively

Ø Student works within historical/cultural interests to attempt creativity

*NB – Anyone who does not fully complete a category receives an F in that category, which is a 50%.