THE SETTING: Paris, 1755. A Parisian salon hosted by one of the grand dames of France, Madame de Geoffrin. Entertaining the likes of Adam Smith, Mary Wollstonecraft, Voltaire, Frederick the Great, and Jean Jacques Rousseau, she created an environment where the leading thinkers of the Enlightenment could freely discuss their often controversial observations on science, literature, politics, and philosophy. However, she also hosted the creative geniuses of her time, Johannes Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Louis le Vau, at her sumptuous gatherings to broaden the minds of her guests.


Your task will be to research and emulate one of these titans of the Enlightenment (you may also include people from the Scientific Revolution and American Revolution), and do a short presentation on _____. Dressing up as that person and/or bringing finger foods that would be appropriate for a salon is considered extra credit for this project. Each presentation will include an example of that Enlightenment thinker’s work.


This project is worth 50 points!




Ø   3-6 minute presentation                                                                                                            _____/40

o    Includes short bio

o    Bio is not plagiarized

o    1-2 excerpts/examples of work

o    Student gives audience idea of why person was important to era

o    Student gives audience idea of why person was important to history

o    90-100% eye contact with audience

o    < 5 glances or 20% reference to notes

o    Stand during the entire presentation

o    Voice carries to whole class

o    < 4 mispronunciations of terms

o    Student is enthusiastic about topic

Ø  Paperwork                                                                                                                            _____/10

o    Outline of presentation

1.       Contains major areas of focus

2.       Has supporting details

3.       May be in formal outline, bullet point or flash card format (may be PowerPoint too!)

4.       Make sure your name is on it!!!

o    List of references (typed)                                                                                                       

1.       4 sources minimum

2.       Only 1 encyclopedia or wiki

3.       MLA format

4.       Typed

5.       Annotated            

Ø  Food/dress                                                                                                                              _____/+2


TOTAL:                                                                                                                                                       _____/50