World War I was a pivotal war in modern history. Explore this war, its causes, course and effects with the class and
through your individual project.
Possible Essay Topics: - Nationalism
- causes of WWI
- change of technology in warfare
- America enters
- Treaty of Versailles vs Fourteen Points
- League of Nations
- human rights violations
- geography of war
- effects of WWI on the arts
- Russian Revolution
Internet Inquiry - Following are the links for our World War 1 Internet Inquiry on the Change in armaments
during the Great War. The first one may not be accessible through our school's filter (I have a hard copy in case of
this); the other two links are accessible through the filter. This exercise is due at the end of the period.
Photos in lesson: http://www.gwpda.org/photos/animals.htm#horses http://www.gwpda.org/photos/bin03/imag0284.jpg
Peace, 1919 - A good comparison of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points for Peace and the Treaty of Versailles,
1919 is at http://www.rpfuller.com/gcse/history/2.html.
World War 1 Video links for further help:
Copyright 2013-2015, Ann-Marie Fine. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated, January 2015.