LACMA Project - We will visit the Pompeii and Roman Villa Exhibit on September 18. Cost is $25. Bring a sack lunch & notepad
- no cameras. See students' projects below:
Latin Mural - As part of our Getty Villa Roman Painting project, our class is working on a mural for
our school, based on the Four Styles of Roman painting. It is our way of sharing our classical knowledge with our school community
and adding beauty to an otherwise dingy hallway.
Getty Center Project - On April 16, we will be traveling to the Getty Center to trace how Roman culture has crept into the modern world. Students
will be leading the class on a tour of the Center's collection, then have a follow-up project based on the gardens and architecture
of the center.
Suggestions for Excellence:
- Purchase a Latin-English Dictionary (I would suggest the paperback Cassell's Latin-English Dictionary)
- Download and use the Latina 4.0 Drill Software to review vocabulary and new grammar structures ($10 each program from
- Purchase an SAT II Review book (there are ony 2 on the market, both available from for ease of purchase: REA's SAT Subject Test: Latin & NLC's SAT II Latin). These study guides
are only recommended if you plan on taking the SAT II in Latin! These are not required texts for this class!
- Keep on top of your work! Junior and Senior year require a lot of work, especially at the first semester so make
use of your class time wisely!
- Ask questions!
Helpful Links: - this is an online series of texts with vocabulary attached. It has free access, but you can register for $20/month where
you can print out vocab sheets. It is best viewed in FireFox. We may be using some texts that you might find here.
Prentice Hall - You can use your web codes found at the top of each chapter to review important vocabulary and grammar at the Prentice Hall
web site.
Companion to the Worlds of Roman Women - This is a huge site dedicated to Roman culture from the point of view of women. It includes Latin text and glosses to aid
your translations. We may be using this site as well for inspiration for cultural projects and historical information.
Congratulations to Luke Walls-Smith for earning a Magna cum Laude on his Latin Prose III National Latin Exam 2010!
Congratulations to our High Achievers in the 2008 National Latin Exam!!!
- Latin 5-6 had 1 Silver Summa Cum Laude, 1 Magna Cum Laude, & 1 Cum Laude.
- Latin 3-4 had 2 Silver Summa Cum Laude, 1 Magna Cum Laude, & 1 Cum Laude.
- Intro ot Latin earned 1 High Achievement Certificate + ribbon, and 1 Achievement Certificate.
Congratulations to our High Achievers in the 2007 National Latin Exam!!!
- Latin 3-4 had 2 Silver Magna Cum Laude, 1 Magna Cum Laude & 1 Cum Laude.
- Latin 1-2 had 2 High Achievement Certificates & Ribbons and 3 Achievement
Colosseum at Rome |
from, August 25, 2007. |
Verb Mastery Test will be on June 4. This will essentially be a review of all the verb forms you
learned in Latin 1-4, with only a few new constructions. 35 multiple choice.
Spring Final Exam will be on June 15 (unless you're a senior - then it will be held the week before).
It will focus on the content of this past semester and your translation skills. Therefore, there will be 25-50 MC and
Ecce Romani III chapters 62-68.
Culture/History notes
Grammar other than verbs that we learned this year
Extra Credit +15:
Extra Credit +10:
Find and record Roman historical/cultural programs from TV that you believe will enhance our class. Programs should be
no more than 1 hour in length, and students should create a study guide/quiz to highlight the important aspects of the program.
Due: by May 7.