The French Revolution exploded in 1789 after the urgings of the Enlightenment thinkers and the example of the American
Revolution, compunded by the economic and social difficulties of France.
In-Class Project - Evaluate events during the French Revolution in small groups. Make sure that you bring your textbooks on
November 1!
Notes from Class Discussion 10/20-21/2004:
- The French Revolution had its roots in the reign of Louis XIV.
- Louis broke the French treasury by fighting too many losing wars.
- His last war, the War of the Spanish Succession ended with his grandson Philip V ascending the Spanish throne and starting
a political union between the two countries that lasted until the mid 1800s.
- Louis XIV also spent a large fortune on building his palace at Versailles, pushing France deeper into debt.
- When Louis died in 1715, he left his 5-year old great-grandson, Louis XV the throne.
- Since Louis XIV did not trust anyone else to help him rule, there was no one competent to take over.
- Louis XV grew up with a regent ruling the throne, no understanding of finances or politics, and a lot of parties that
threw France deeper and deeper into debt.
- Louis XV is reported to have said when a minister expressed concern over the growing political and economic problems of
France, "After me, the flood."
Board Notes from 10/1/2007:
- Louis XIV - Versailles & lost wars
- Louis XV - parties & French and Indian War
- Louis XVI - parties, American Revolution, poor harvest, famine, bankruptcy
- Meeting of the Estates-General - 1789, reps prepare cahiers, 1 vote per estate
- Tennis Court Oath - 1789
- Constitution of 1791 - 1st constitution, constitutional monarchy, Louis XVI still king, Louis & family try to flee
- war with Euroope - starts 1792 with France vs. Austria, Prussia, Russia & England
- Louis killed as traitor 1793
- 1793-94 - Reign of Terror
- 1795 -oligarchy wit Directory
- 1799 - oligarchy wit Consulate
- 1804 - Napoleon as Emperor
- 1815 - Congress of Vienna restors Louis XVIII to throne as constitutional monarch
Board Notes 10/26/2004:
Writing the Outline for the DBQ:
Question: What were the most important causes of the French Revolution (discuss three)?
I. Thesis statement (one sentence answer to the essay question)
II-IV. 3 support ideas
A. in doc. 1 ...
B. Accoding to Arthur Young, ...
V. Conclusion (tie thesis statement together with support ideas)
*Except for the thesis statement, all support may be in fragments
*due at the end of the period.
Types of Government the French Revolution goes through:
- Absolute Monarchy
- Constitutional Monarchy
- Legislative Assembly
- Republic
- Directory
- Consulate
- Absolute Monarchy
- Constitutional Monarchy
Congress of Vienna
- Hosted by Prince Clemens von Metternich in Vienna, Austrian Empire
- Attended by
- Alexander I of Russia
- Talleyrand of France
- Castlereagh of Britain
- Karl von Hardenburg of Prussia
- Other delegates not allowed to make decisions
- interrupted by Napoleon’s 100 Days in 1814-1815
- decide to establish France as constitutional monarchy with Louis XVIII (brother of Louis XVI) on throne
- France’s borders will go back to pre-Napoleonic times (before he gained power in 1799 under the Consulate)
- Restore Spain’s monarchy
- Keep Kingdom of Poland, but place under the jurisdiction of Russia
- Create Concert of Europe (all countries will unite to prevent and out down revolution)
- Reestablishes balance of power
- Promotes status quo till 1848
Alexander I promotes Holy Alliance (all Christian
leaders join together to prevent rebellion); is a joke among European leaders because focus on religion
Board Notes from 2009:
carry the finacial burden of France |
Chapter 7 Study Guide – French
Old Regime
Causes of revolution
Louis XIV
Louis XV
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
National Assembly
Tennis Court Oath
July 14, 1789
Great Fear
Declaration of the Rights of Man
Legislative Assembly, 1791
Political factions
France at war
Jean-Paul Marat
Maximilien Robespierre
Reign of terror, 1792-94
Directory, 1795
Napoleon Bonaparte
Coup d’etat, 1799
Napoleonic Code
French Empire, 1804
American lands
European lands
Battle of Austerlitz
Battle of Trafalgar
Admiral Nelson
Continental System
Peninsular war
Invasion of Russia, 1812
Scorched earth policy
100 Days
Battle of Waterloo
Duke of Wellington
St. Helena
Congress of Vienna
Klemens von Metternich
Balance of Power
Containment of France
Status quo
Holy Alliance
Concert of Europe
Czar Alexander I of Russia
Castlereagh of Britain
Tallyrand of France
Revolution in Latin America
Long term legacy
All worksheets and vocab words
Map of Europe under Napoleon
Essay topics for French Revolution:
different types of government throughout the revolution
development of democracy throughout the revolution
influence of the enlightenment and american revolution on the revolution
causes of the French Revolution
beginnings and spread of nationalism
Congress of Vienna
NB - 2010 test is on November 3 & 4!!!
Period 3 has the essay test!
Go to Prentice Hall for online quizzes. You can also use online aids aligned with your textbook at www.classzone.com. There are audio tours, self-tests, and additional section summaries that will be helpful for this class.
Extra Credit:
Due the day of the test, use the following links to review for the test. Write ecah question on a separate piece of paper,
write the answer & explain why you chose that answer. Worth up to 4 points.
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Copyright 2011, Ann-Marie Fine. All Rights Reserved.
Last updated, October 2011.